Consider Generosity

Published by Sidney Meriweather, Relationship Manager

Headlines, social media posts, videos, and market updates are flooding my daily life right now. There are so many things going on from a worldwide pandemic that feels overwhelming to the effect that it’s having on the global economy. Sickness, job loss, business closures, death…it all feels like too much.

But, in the middle of the mess, I’m catching glimpses of humanity coming together and uniting in generosity. These glimpses are sparking a fire in people to think more deeply about their fellow humans, and every day there’s more hope that we can do something.

So, I’m asking you, please consider generosity right now.

There are so many ways to be generous and not all of them require money. I’d like to give you just a few ideas to think about:


Humans were created for community and relationships, and right now there’s not a lot of the usual connection points for people. Everyone’s routines have been disrupted, and I would wager a bet that most people are starting to feel starved of human connection.

So, just reach out. Call a friend, family member, or co-worker and just ask: “how are you doing?”

Don’t ask this question on your new morning conference call when the list of projects is overwhelming and needs to be discussed. This isn’t the casual greeting you use when you run into a friend at the grocery store.

When you ask someone, set aside just a few extra minutes to give someone your full attention, to let them open up about how they’re dealing with this current environment. I would almost guarantee it’ll make their day.


I can list the top 5 restaurants, coffee shops, and stores in my local city that I didn’t realize I spent nearly as much time at until suddenly, I couldn’t. I would do anything for the cheese dip from Blue Corn Harvest or a latte from Lamppost Georgetown.

Oh wait, I still can have those things! Most local shops are still offering to-go orders, delivery services, and online shopping, and right now more than ever they need their local citizens to continue to support them.

Don’t give up on your favorite local hot spots, just be responsible. Most of these shops are already going above-and-beyond to keep their workers and their patrons safe. Continue to shop local and support the establishments that make your city great.


Schools are closed, so kids who would normally get 2 hot meals a day don’t have that option. Animal shelters still have animals that need to be cared for and maintained during a pandemic. Health care workers and grocery store clerks are busier than ever and still coming into more direct contact with the population than the rest of us.

Food banks, homeless shelters, feeding essential business employees, the list goes on and on of the places where we can support these people. Donate food, go grocery shopping for the elderly in your life (or at least teach them how to use the grocery pick up apps), or give financial support to these efforts.


For those who are blessed and thankful that their compensation isn’t being affected by the current crisis, I want to make a special plea to you.

Give away the check the IRS is about to send to you…that’s right, just give it away.

Those in this category, I’m not sure how many there are at this point, were going to continue living lives in 2020 without the extra stimulus money. I had already created my budget for the year and made decisions about savings, debt payoff, and spending that didn’t factor in a federal $1,200 check.

Many people need this money right, and for those of you that this is the exact thing you need to stay afloat during this crisis I’m so thankful. However, others don’t need the money.

So, if you’re someone who wasn’t expecting/doesn’t necessarily need the money re-read the first three suggestions. When you’re checking on people and you come across a friend who’s lost their job, ask them which bills they’re going to struggle to pay and pay them.

When you read that the local non-profit that supports adults with special needs doesn’t know how they’re going to be able to pay their staff, donate.


I want to encourage everyone to consider unconditional, unwavering generosity right now. From financial to non-financial ways we can serve each other, don’t be afraid to reach out.

We are all in this together.

The opinions are those of the writer, and not the recommendations or responsibility of CWM, LLC or its representatives.

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