Hurricane Harvey Fallout – 3 Key Planning Areas Following Flood Damage

Published by Robert W. Huntley, CFP®, CHFC®

When your home has 8 feet of water in it for a week, you’ve got questions; lots of questions.

  • Insurance claims:
    • “What do we do first after the water goes down? How do we handle insurance claims and what about FEMA? What does my homeowner’s insurance cover?”
  • Lending options:
    • “How are we going to pay to rebuild when the house is ruined & we still have a loan on it? What are my loan options? Is there any Government assistance?”
  • Tax filing questions:
    • “What tax relief can we get to help reduce the financial strain from this? What’s deductible? Can I use retirement funds without getting huge tax penalties?”


These are the sort of things I was hearing on the phone when talking with our Houston clients during and after hurricane Harvey.

When the water recedes, and you return to a home that is a mess, where do you start? What do you do first and how do you map out a strategy for getting your life back in order?

We organized some information and expert advice by asking three colleagues to write a guest blog in their area of expertise.



I am grateful to Steve, Lori and Angela for taking time to organize this information, aimed at helping anyone dealing with this difficult situation. The links to the original blog posts are below. Feel free to share with anyone who might need this information.

Help After A Disaster by Steve Campbell

Natural Disaster Mortgage Options by Lori Anderson

Hurricane Tax Relief by Angela Washburn, CPA



Steve Campbell, Lori Anderson, and, Angela Washburn, CPA, LLC are not affiliated with CWM, LLC.  CWM, LLC does not offer all Insurance services. Additionally, CWM, LLC does not offer Mortgage services or Certified Public Accountant services.


Investment advisory services offered through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. 




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